::Alpine Conditions::
-New snowfall (last 24hrs) 1" -Total snowfall to-date 100" -Base: 18-48 inches variable -100% open ::Freestyle Terrain:: -Volunteers have set boxes, rails, and other features in Little Willie beside the Rope-tow. A large kicker needs volunteer help to finish it on Scalpers, as well as finish setting three rails. If you'd like to help, please ask Hill Operations. ::Nordic Conditions::
-New snowfall (last 24hrs) 1" -Base: 24-36 inches variable. ::Volunteer Groomer Activity Reports:: -Classic: -Jolly Long, Sugarbush, Oppedahl's, Anchor, Seagull, Roller Coaster, and Telford were all groomed and tracked early morning. Deerpath and Raven were groomed and tracked late night. -Black Bear remains ungroomed. -Skate: -Seagull, Jolly Long, Anchor, Telford, and Roller Coaster were all groomed. *A small section of Deer Path was plowed to give haul-out access to loggers. While it is not currently an active hauling/logging site, please use caution. -Volunteer Groomers report that Seagull has some drifting, and remains soft. ::Alpine Conditions::
-New snowfall (last 24hrs) 2" -Base: 15-36 inches variable -100% open ::Freestyle Terrain:: -Volunteers have set boxes, rails, and other features in Little Willie beside the Rope-tow. A large kicker needs volunteer help to finish it on Scalpers, as well as finish setting three rails. If you'd like to help, please ask Hill Operations. ::Nordic Conditions::
Base: 15-24 inches variable. Volunteer Groomer Reports: -Classic & Skate: -Jolly Long, Sugarbush, Oppedahl's, Anchor, Seagull, Rollercoaster and Telford. 2/18. -Tracked Deer Path 2/15. -Black Bear remains ungroomed. -Skate: -Raven, Deer Path. 2/19. *A small section of Deer Path was plowed to give haul-out access to loggers. While it is not currently an active hauling/logging site, please use caution. ::Alpine Conditions::
-New snowfall (last 24hrs) 6" -Base: 18-48 inches variable -100% open ::Freestyle Terrain:: -Volunteers have set boxes, rails, and other features in Little Willie beside the Rope-tow. A large kicker needs volunteer help to finish it on Scalpers, as well as finish setting three rails. If you'd like to help, please ask Hill Operations. |
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January 2025
Grooming Crew
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